Slim Down at Super Stores
Each week, 200 million shoppers visit a Wal-Mart, and while these mega stores get a lot of flack for selling supersized, less-than-nutritious fare, the company is taking steps that may make it easier for you to get healthy and lose weight.
“The tricky part about shopping at big grocery stores is that they can be overwhelming, and that can lead to purchasing goods you don’t need,” says Judy Caplan, RD, an American Dietetic Association (ADA) spokesperson. Still, with a little forethought and a strategy in place before you hit the store, you can walk away with smarter choices and even burn a few extra calories! Here are five ways to make a weekly Wal-Mart excursion as healthy as possible.
1. Drive Past The Prime Spot
According to some reports, Wal-Mart parking lots can be three times the size of the stores—as large as 555,000 square feet. Every little bit of exercise counts, and if you park far away from the entrance, you could be sneaking in a serious walk. Parking spots are approximately 9 feet wide, so park 50 spots away, and you could be sneaking in an extra one-fifth of a mile round trip (or an extra 17 calories for a 150-pound woman walking at a 15-minute-mile pace)!
2. Hit The Produce Department First
Though there are plenty of unhealthy options available, bananas are a top-selling item at Wal-Mart. And there’s a good reason for that. Wal-Mart’s produce is notoriously reasonably priced! In fact, a 2005 study found that Wal-Mart offers many identical food items priced about 15% to 25% lower than traditional supermarkets.
“A healthy shopping cart is filled with lots of produce in deep green, red, orange, and yellow colors,” says Caplan—and that can include a few of Wal-Mart’s organic options, like lettuce and apples. If your cart is full of produce, there’s less room to stock up on chips, candy, or anything else that may wreck your diet. Be on the lookout for even more local fruits and veggies too! Last fall, Wal-Mart set a goal to double the amount of locally grown produce it sells in US stores by the end of 2015. When it reaches that goal, local produce will account for 9% of all the produce it sells.
3. Shop The Perimeter
Caplan suggests you do what she calls “aerobic shopping.” Wal-Mart Supercenters average 185,000 square feet, and by walking around the perimeter of the store, you sneak in approximately a quarter of a mile. That brings you up to nearly a half-mile, including trips to and from your car. Lap the building twice a visit, and you’re sneaking in close to a ¾-mile walk just by simply getting things off the shelves. Since stores and layouts vary in size, you can wear a pedometer to get a better estimate of the distance. Boost the burn by putting the heavier items in the cart first so you will be pushing more weight most of the time and power walking between sections to get your heart rate going.
4. Look For "Great Value" Foods
In January, the company promised to reduce sodium and added sugars by 25% and 10%, respectively, and remove “all industrially produced trans fats” from its in-store line of products. “Just because a food is lower in fat, sugar, and carbs does not mean it does not have calories or that it is filled with healthy ingredients,” warns Caplan. Some “Great Value” products include cookies, chips, and ice cream, but steer clear of these. Aim for the affordable frozen and canned veggie options.
The store also carries Amy’s Light & Lean dishes, a Prevention package food award winner and healthy lunch option, as well as Stonyfield Farm organic milk and yogurt, all for cheaper prices than your usual grocery store.
5. Save On Fitness Equipment
Not only can you buy affordably priced treadmills, elliptical machines, and other exercise equipment at Wal-Mart, but many of its products also provide free shipping to the store. All you have to do is pick it up from there! You’ll save around $20 in shipping costs, and a 2008 study found that people with home exercise machines were 73% more likely to start exercising.